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Heritage Development

Archaeology, Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas 

Historic England states that there are over 400,000 listed buildings and 10,000 conservation areas in England alone, and in addition to this there is a significant number of archaeological sites. It is very likely that development proposals will impact on one or more of these heritage assets. This emphasises how important it is to seek early advice on heritage matters.


We can advise clients wherever heritage matters arise in relation to planning proposals. In particular, we can undertake the following:


  • Conservation Area Appraisals and boundary reviews

  • Advise on the impact of development on the setting of heritage assets

  • Identify Non-Designated Heritage Assets (using Historic England guidelines)

  • Carry out heritage planning balance arguments in applications and appeals

  • Advice on listing proposals and certificates of immunity


Where required we can instruct heritage consultants and specialist architects and work with them to produce Heritage Impact Assessments, bespoke schemes and inform development proposals.






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